Entrapment Neuropathies
Chart Review by G. Douglas Andersen, DC
Title: Peripheral Entrapment
Author: Jeffrey Kintish, DC, CCRDPublisher:
Designed and illustrated by Kishgraphics Publication:
Two - 22" x 36" six-color laminated chartsSubject:Peripheral
entrapment neuropathiesCategory:Patient educationPrice: $49.95Part #:
Whether or not patients mark it on their intake forms, one my first symptom
questions is: "Do you have any pain, numbness or tingling down your
arms or legs?" When I hear the words "yes" or "sometimes,"
I begin to think about my differential diagnosis. In my mind I am thinking,
"discogenic radiculopathy; versus sclerotogenous pain pattern; versus
myofascial pain pattern; versus entrapment neuropathy; or tunnel syndrome."
Doctor Jeffrey Kintish has returned with another pair of wall charts -
Peripheral Entrapment Neuropathies. One is for the upper extremities;
the other for the lower. Using a half-dozen different colors, Dr. Kintish
has come up with another tool to easily educate patients about their condition.
In this case, the six most common upper-extremity and four most common
lower-extremity entrapment neuropathies. The conditions illustrated and
described include piriformis, carpal tunnel, pectoralis minor and tarsal
tunnel syndrome.
Dr. Kintish has once again earned high praise in his expanding line of
patient education charts.
Dr. Andersen's rating:
10 (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being best)
If you have authored, published or produced a book, audio or video package
that is chiropractic-oriented, educational, nonpromotional and written
or produced in a professional manner, and would like it reviewed in Dynamic
Chiropractic, please send two copies of the book, video or audiocassette
Lynda Bloemke
Dynamic Chiropractic
P.O. Box 4109
Huntington Beach, California 92605-4109
Items submitted for review will not be returned.
E. Imperial Hwy.
Brea, CA. 92821
(714) 990-0824
(714) 990-1917
2004, G. Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN, 916 E. Imperial Hwy, Brea,
CA 92821, (714) 990-0824