Steroids -- Part II
Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN
10, number 7, 3/27/92, page 7
Steroid side effects.
The earliest study I found of steroids and muscular hypertrophy was in
1938.1 As I continued my literature review on steroids, I found that historians
tend to disagree on exactly when anabolic steroids were used for athletics;
however, most of the evidence points to the Russians using testosterone
and its derivatives in the early 1950s, with the Americans starting either
in the mid or late 1950s, depending on the source. Throughout the 1960s,
steroids were generally used by strength athletes, such as power lifters,
Olympic lifters, and body builders. Steroid use spread to field athletes
in the mid and late 1960s. By the early 1970s, most world class track
and field athletes that needed strength or explosiveness were using steroids.
Strength athletes in other sports such as football also discovered steroids
in the early 1970s. By the end of the decade, football players at all
levels were using anabolic steroids and, as more and more coaches realized
the importance of strength and explosiveness in their various sports,
athletes in what would be considered non-traditional steroid sports begin
to use steroids. Interestingly enough, the steroid use coincided with
the decline of the myth that "muscle-bound" athletes were not
able to perform well.
Graham and Kennedy estimate anabolic steroid use in the United States
of at least one million.2
Side Effects of Steroids 2
The following is a list of the major negative effects associated with
the use of anabolic steroids:
1. Hepatic
Peliosis hepatitis*
Cholestatic jaundice
Elevated liver function tests
2. Cardiovascular
Decreased HDL cholesterol
Increased LDL cholesterol
Increased triglycerides
Atherosclerotic heart disease
Cerebrovascular accident
3. Skeletal
Premature epiphyseal closure*
4. Immune
Reduced immunoglobulin levels
Altered natural killer function
5. Endocrine
Male -- testicular atrophy, decreased sperm count, gynecomastia,
decreased testosterone, decreased LH, decreased FSH, altered glucose tolerance,
Women -- Hoarsening of the voice, enlarged clitoris*,
menstrual irregularities, decreased breast size, male pattern baldness,*
fetal abnormalities.
6. Dermatology 4
Cystic acne
Sebaceous cysts
Striae distensae
7. Physiological
Marked libido changes
Mood swings
8. Subjective
Mood changes
Changes in libido
Muscle spasm
Muscle aches
Scrotal pain
Increased urine output
· Considered an irreversible side effect 5
The above list is both exhaustive and frightening. According to Dr. Phillips,
the most common side effects of steroid use are the following 6
Sodium retention, high blood pressure, headaches
Blood lipid changes (increased LDL, decreased HDL, and increase in total
cholesterol) Palpitations
We will now discuss some of the side effects that receive the greatest
amount of media attention.
Hepatic side Effects
Peliosis hepatitis is a disease of cattle caused by contaminated grass.
There is not a single case of this occurring in an athlete taking anabolic
steroids. There are cases of people contracting this disease who took
anabolic steroids for hematological disorders.2
Again, according to Drs. Graham and Kennedy,2 steroid-induced
hepatomas occur within those who have primary hematological disorders.
They further state there have only been three cases in the literature
of hepatoma in the athletes, and there was no record of the athletes hematological
status. Furthermore, Dr. Phillips states that two of the athletes used
high doses of oral steroids for four consecutive years. Even proponents
of steroid use state that steroids should be used no more than 12 weeks
at a time, and that athletes should refrain from using steroids for at
least as long as they used them before they start another cycle.6
I found it interesting that jaundice and cholestasis are surprisingly
uncommon and no specific clinical hepatic syndrome has ever been demonstrated
in athletes abusing anabolic steroids.2
It is not uncommon for an athlete who is training heavily to have increases
in SGOT and SGPT. To correctly monitor an athlete's liver function, one
should order the isoenzymes of lactin dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase,
which are liver specific.5
Teenage Use
Clearly, epiphyseal closure is a very serious side effect of anabolic
steroids and all doctors should urge teenagers, especially young teens,
to discontinue steroid use. This can be accomplished much easier than
in adult athletes. Making coaches and parents aware of the problem increases
your chances of attaining a complete and total cessation of teen steroid
Acne is another common side effect of anabolic steroids. Most teens have
more than enough pilosebaceous gland activity. Administration of anabolic
steroids increases already overactive structures. The bottom line is to
emphasize to your teenagers that when they take steroids, they should
expect to see a pronounced increase in acne.
Cardiovascular Side Effects
It is very clear that steroids have marked cardiovascular effects. Although
cholesterol alterations are reversible with cessation, it is nevertheless
clear from my literature review that this is a major risk factor of anabolic
steroid ingestion and must be aggressively supported nutritionally in
those athletes who continue to ingest anabolic steroids. When anabolic
steroid use stops, the athletes must maintain a moderate aerobic exercise
program coupled with a diet low in fat (20 percent of the calories) and
maintain physician contact with follow-up laboratory analysis.
Females Steroid Use
Steroids in women is an area where I recommend you really emphasize to
your patients the defeminizing effects that may occur with the use of
male hormones. Make it clear that a high percentage of the irreversible
side effects of steroid use occur in the female athlete.
Connective Tissue Side Effects
In my research, I was unable to come across what I feel is one of the
most common negative effects of anabolic steroid use, and that is post
cycle injury to connective tissue. I did find a few reviews on steroid-induced
tendon and muscle rupture; however, these injuries are very rare. What
is common are sprains, strains, bursitis, tendinitis, and capsulitis injuries
in athletes who have recently discontinued steroid use. Anyone who has
spent time in a serious lifting gym has heard, "I don't get injured
when I'm on the juice," or "Every time I stop I get injured."
Steroid users rationalize that they should just continue with anabolic
steroids, adding additional types or changing types so they will not get
injured. Therefore, in addition to nutritional support, when doctors do
succeed in having athletes discontinue steroid use, they must emphasize
that the athlete is at a higher risk for injury6 and implement a "safe"
workout for six weeks following steroid cessation. Generally, two to four
weeks after ingestion of steroids is discontinued, connective tissue injuries
tend to occur. Steroids cause muscles to hypertrophy faster than supporting
ligamentous and tendinous structures. When the steroid use stops, testosterone
levels plummet because the body's negative feedback system shuts its own
production down when steroid ingestion begins. Therefore, there is a rebound
period with low testosterone levels. This equates to a decreased nitrogen
balance, decreased protein synthesis, and decreased intramuscular fluid
retention. Add to this heavy muscular loads to tissues that are no longer
supercharged with pharmacological androgens, and the result is injury.
Safe Workout
Lighten the amount of weight lifted.
Increase the amount of repetitions.
Emphasize the importance of strict form on every exercise, whether free
weight or machine.
Decrease total sets.
Increase rest periods (that is, four instead of six lifting sessions per
By decreasing the amount of weight used and increasing repetitions, less
load is placed on connective tissue that is susceptible to injury. At
the same time, this workout provides greater circulation to these vulnerable
areas, which will not only guard against injury, but will maintain the
majority of the additional muscular tissue the athlete gains while on
synthetic testosterone derivatives. Remember, although you have recommended
lighter weights, higher repetitions, better form, and more rest, this
does not mean that your athlete has to decrease intensity.
Nutritional Support for Steroid Cessation:
Decrease the amount of dietary protein to l gm for each l.5 to 1.75 pounds
of body weight (athletes who use anabolic steroids must ingest excessively
high amounts of protein in order for the steroids to have the desired
effect; however, when steroid ingestion stops, the high amount of protein
then works as a disadvantage to the athlete by disrupting intramuscular
osmotic balances, which will result in overtraining and increased injury.)
Add 32 ounces of additional fluid per day.
Increase vitamin C to a minimum of two grams per day.
Increase zinc to a minimum of 50 mg per day.
Manganese sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, perna canaliculus or mucopolysaccharides
should be ingested at a level of 100-150 mg per day.
A strong multivitamin, multimineral formula.
I recommend the athlete ingest these levels of micronutrients for six
weeks. After that they should continue with a good strong multivitamin,
multimineral formula.
1. Panicolaou HN, and Falk GA: General muscular hypertrophy induced by
androgenic hormones. Science, 87:238-239, 1938.
2. Graham S, Kennedy M: Recent developments in the toxicology of anabolic
steroids. Drug Safety, 5(6):458-476, 1990.
3. Kibble WM, Ross MB: Adverse affects of anabolic steroids in athletes.
Clinical Pharmacology, 6:686-692, 1987.
4. Scott MJ Jr., Scott MJ III: Dermatology and anabolic androgenic drug.
Reprint request to 533 Medical Dental Building, Seattle WA., 98101.
5. Hough. Anabolic steroids and ergogenic aids. American Family Practice,
1157-1164, April 1990.
6. Phillips WN: The Anabolic Reference Guide, ed 16. Mile High Publishing,
Golden Colorado. 1991.
E. Imperial Hwy.
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2004, G. Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN, 916 E. Imperial Hwy, Brea,
CA 92821, (714) 990-0824